Saturday, November 28, 2015


This has been a very relaxing week for me: no school, not too much homework, and getting to hang out with my family always makes for a happy time. This week was all about thankfulness an the things that we have that we are thankful for. There are so many things that I have to be grateful for this year: successful surgery, marrying the man of  my dreams, and returning home from an honorable mission in the Philippines.
I the act of being grateful, It has caused me to be more grateful for these things not just around this time of year, but all times of the year, especially for my husband. One day he is going to be the father of our little runts and I want him to know how much gratitude and appreciation that I'll have for him. It seems as if sometimes the men in our lives don't get the right amount of appreciation that they deserve, especially those who are active fathers. I know that as I show more gratitude for him and the role he plays in our family, the better man he will continue to be. Guys need that sense of security as well and we can give that to them in many ways: 
1. helping them see the big picture and realizing that there are vital and important
2. Show appreciation often and validating their feelings as real. 
3. Tell him you love him and kiss him. 
4. accept his goodness and compliments
 And the list could go on and on.
But we are women have a powerful influence on the men in our lives. So be that woman for good: help you brother, husband, friend, dad, or grandfather to help him see the great inside of him. 

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