Gender Roles
First may I start by saying that this entry is not the means of bringing down others faith or saying that what other people believe is wrong and that they are stupid for thinking a certain way. We are all human and think and believe in diverse ways. I hope in return that I can have the same respect reciprocated for those things that I believe in.
We live in a world of changing values and changing view points on varying topics. One of those topics is Gender Roles. Some believe that we can choose our gender, some believe that all genders are equal and that there are no differences. Now, i'm not targeting those beliefs, i'm just stating that they exist. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I firmly believe that Gender roles are important and that there are no mistakes when it comes to the gender we were born into. I know that god is perfect and makes no mistake, he is almighty and all powerful. So why would God make us one thing if we were meant to be another?
The reason I know of these things are because of a divine document called The Family: A Proclamation to the World. It states that "ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." God has made us to be either female or male and that has been the way of God eternally. We were either male or female before coming to this earth to experience trials, sorrow, and joy. He made us different to fulfill HIS plan for HIS children. We have been given divinely different characteristics in order to bring about a better work and strengthen each other. This about it- if we were all males, more than likely there would be so much competition, spatial thinking, and maybe not a whole lot of nurturing care towards fellow men. But because God knew we would need that nurturing love, he gifted the women of the world with that attribute. Not saying that males and females cant attain certain attributes that the other has been given, but we can learn from each other and complete the other. When God created Eve, he created her to be a help meet, or in other words he created a suitable, fitting, proper, qualified help to further God's plan. We aren't created to compete with each other, but rather to really complete each other. As I was sitting in class this week I had an "Ah ha" moment: that maybe we were created differently to help bring out those divinely given gifts and make them stronger. Maybe we can't have a strong protector of a husband without a strong nurturing wife. We are compliments of each other, we are not competitors.
I believe in this document with my whole heart to be the world of God not just for members of the Mormon faith, but for the whole world. I strongly believe that as the world takes its turn for differences we can turn to this document and find unity in God's one eternal plan he has for all of his children. I could not be more grateful to have been born the female I am and for the husband that I just married, for the man that he is. I could not be more grateful for the male roles he brings to our marriage. I know that our differences will only bring us closer together and closer to God. These differences make us who we are, brings us even closer together, and it is such a beautiful thing. These differences will help to bring in a strong family of the lord. We really cant change the definition of the family to meet people needs and desires. I am a preserver of traditional marriage and family, but that does not mean that I am not just a compassionate towards others and a respecter of their faiths.
8 Jesus Christ the a yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
9 Be not a about with divers and strange b. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.
Hebrews 13:8-9
God doesn't make mistakes but he does create trials, and is it so impossible that He would allow someone to be born into a body that has characteristics that do not match the gender of their spirit as a type of trial for them or in order to test our ability to show tolerance and unconditional love and acceptance? I mean, He creates bodies that are born with physical disabilities and cognitive impairments to be repaired in the hereafter, could He not do the same for people who are transgender?