Saturday, December 12, 2015

what matters most

I think for this last blog entry I want to talk about family. If anything, the biggest thing I have learned in my life is that family is the most important thing we have. I'm positive that is why God created families for us to come down to and to learn and love each other. We can not progress in this life without the help of our family. It is so important to me that I raise my family in a loving home where my kids know I love them. I didn't grow up with this myself. Growing up my parents were separated quite often, always coming back together in the end. After 16 years of marriage with on again/ off again, they decided to get a divorce. This was a hard ting for my sister and me to experience, but something that taught me the value and importance of having a strong, loving, happy family. Sometimes I am scared of the unknown future of my husband and mine's relationship, but then i always find comfort that if we really love each other and turn to the lord He will help us overcome anything. Our families are like a muscle: if we work that muscle and do our best to strengthen it with healthy activities, then that muscle will be strong in the end.
I think we all just need to step back from our busy lives to see our family as being the most precious thing and then invest our time treating it as such. It will be more than worth it in the end.

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